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Developers are adopting Higher Order Components (HOC) Stateless Functional Components, and for good reason: they make it easier to achieve…
Developers are adopting Higher Order Components (HOC) Stateless Functional Components, and for good reason: they make it easier to achieve…
Atomic Design creates multiples stacks of components, with different hierarchies of complexity and dependence
Frontend developers utilize a variety of tools. Discussion of these tools and arguing which one is the best will easily grow in a holy war, as every developer has his own preferences in terms of methods of working and using programming languages. That is why the wisest decision one can make is to
Deciding on a JavaScript framework for your web application can be overwhelming. Angular and React are very popular these days, and there is an upstart which has been getting a lot of traction lately: VueJS
In this second and last part we’ll get into the real meat of how to easily scale our React Universal Blog App using React organizational concepts and the Flux pattern.
The goals of this project were: reading/writing/manipulating data, designing a mobile UI and learning Preact by Building a Small PWA with Preact and Firebase
SVG is a graphics format based on geometry and geometry is exactly what is needed to visually display data. React + D3 + SVG = Pretty good for dataviz.
Should you pick Angular or React? Pavels Jelisjevs looks in detail at what both frameworks have to offer, and gives some practical advice on how to choose.
CSS-in-JS is a bit like eval for CSS. It is incredibly powerful, but it also makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
Learn how to easily use Facebook's Immutable.js library to enforce state immutability in your React-Redux applications.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UI). This tutorial series focuses on various methods for setting up React apps.
Discover what Redux is all about and how you can leverage from it when building your next project.
In this article, we're going to take a look at NativeScript, an open-source framework for building mobile iOS and Android apps with JavaScript.
Next.js is a framework for building universal React applications with support to server side rendering - SSR.
There are countless articles out there debating whether React or Angular is the better choice for web development. Do we need yet another…