Atomic Design with React

Atomic Design with React

How one methodology allowed me to create a great design system from scratch and made me a better developer, with principles of componentization, hierarchies and reuses of code.


To build a UI LIbrary we used an awesome tool called Storybook, which is a great ally to the Atomic Design in React (you can use it for the React Native and Vue too), it allows to render the components and list all states/variations of one.


Note that inside of the button component there is a file called ‘index.js’ which is the component itself, the ‘styles.css’ is the style that will be imported by CSS Modules (here we’ve used the BEM CSS inside the structure; I recommend reading the article ‘CSS Architecture with ReactJS’) and the ‘stories.js’ is the file that will import the component into the Storybook, which looks like this:
