Set Up a React Environment

Set Up a React Environment

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UI). It's maintained and developed by Facebook, and is one of the most popular tools for creating web apps today.


React is a fantastic library to build web apps with, and it's a lot of fun too! Let's take a look now at the tutorial prerequisites to make sure you're up to speed.


A reasonable level of JavaScript is required to set up and develop React apps. Otherwise, you'll most certainly struggle at some point to create React apps of any depth or complexity. This includes some features of ES6 such as arrow functions, classes, and modules. I recommend brushing up on your JavaScript skills if necessary before attempting to develop a React app.


Before we dive into our first setup method, let's take a quick tour of React itself.


You might be pleasantly surprised to find that React components, props, and state are not that difficult to get your head around. My personal experience was that the React setup process was more difficult than learning React itself!
