Developers are adopting Higher Order Components (HOC) Stateless Functional Components, and for good reason: they make it easier to achieve code reuse, a coveted aspiration of developers.
You might think that code reuse is overrated. Or it’s too hard, especially when looking to share code between the web and mobile. But here are a few benefits to consider:
We will add a second pair of applications (React and React Native), which will reuse the components we extract.
This GitHub repo branch has the baseline applications (The final result is here.). I include the full details on building the React (web) and React Native (mobile) apps in the GitHub README, but here is an outline: is a running demo of the web version. Screenshots of both are below (web, then mobile):
The web and mobile applications have two main components.In the web application, App.js
Instead, I’ll focus on the refactoring to a common SearchBox, which our web (React) and mobile (React Native) applications will both use.
For clarity, I’ve renamed SearchInput.js, SearchResults.js and SearchBox.js to WebSearchInput.js, WebSearchResults.js and WebSearchBox.js, respectively.