Building a React Universal Blog App: Implementing Flux

Building a React Universal Blog App: Implementing Flux

In the first part of this miniseries, we started digging into the world of React to see how we could use it, together with Node.js, to build a React Universal Blog App.

In this second and last part, we’ll take our blog to the next level by learning how to add and edit content. We’ll also get into the real meat of how to easily scale our React Universal Blog App using React organizational concepts and the Flux pattern.


In the Flux pattern, the Store is a very important piece, because it acts as the single source of truth for data management. This is a crucial concept in understanding how React development works, and one of the most touted benefits of React. The beauty of this discipline is that, at any given state of our app we can access the AppStore‘s data and know exactly what’s going on within it. There are a few key things to keep in mind if you want to build a data-driven React application:
