Swarmprom - Prometheus Monitoring for Docker Swarm
This article discusses how to set up application and infrastructure monitoring for Docker Swarm using the Prometheus open source monitoring system and database.
This article discusses how to set up application and infrastructure monitoring for Docker Swarm using the Prometheus open source monitoring system and database.
The newest version of Docker Compose comes with enhanced multi-host support. With the addition, you can have stateful services running in containers.
Explore different message brokers, and discover how these important web technologies impact a customer's backlog of messages, and cluster/data performance.
Learn how 4financeIT is planning to do their microservice deployments using Jenkins, GitHub, and Nexus.
Learn why open source technologies are so important to microservices, how containers are involved, and how to orchestrate new and existing microservices apps.
Some of the most common complaints about JavaScript come from its dynamic, mutable nature. You can modify nearly any member of any object and even delete some built-in ones.
Learn the pros and cons of the different technologies you can choose for inter-process communication in your microservices-based application
Jani Hartikainen gets you started with unit testing your JavaScript — an important, but often overlooked part of development — using Mocha and Chai.
In this Sinon tutorial, Jani Hartikainen demonstrates how to make unit testing non-trival JavaScript code trivial with the help of spies, stubs and mocks.
The definitive intro to RAML - the RESTful API Modeling Language - a vendor-neutral, open-specification language built on YAML 1.2 and JSON for describing RESTful APIs.
This a the first chapter of the series “Build a NodeJS cinema microservice”, this series is about, building NodeJS microservices and…
This tutorial teaches how you can build, structure, test and debug a Node.js application written in TypeScript.
Deciding on a JavaScript framework for your web application can be overwhelming. Angular and React are very popular these days, and there is an upstart which has been getting a lot of traction lately: VueJS
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to deploy a NodeJS app to Digital Ocean
A step-by-step tutorial for writing your first map reduce with Python and Hadoop Streaming.