5 Features in Java 9 that WILL Change How You Develop Software (and 2 That Won’t)

5 Features in Java 9 that WILL Change How You Develop Software (and 2 That Won’t)

What are the most exciting features that are expected to be released in Java 9? (Originally Published 17-Jun-2015)


Here some of the features which are an absolute must to know about in Java 9, some of these are already ready for you to tinker with in the early release version.


Java 9 will have full support for HTTP 2.0 and feature a new HTTP client for Java that will replace HttpURLConnection, and also implement HTTP 2.0 and websockets. Another cool thing about this new API is that it’s going to be introduced as the first incubator module in Java. An incubator module is basically an experimental feature that will either progress to be adopted in the next version of Java, Java 10 in this case, or it will be removed. A pretty unusual concept for Java that would encourage experimentation without breaking backwards compatibility.
