JavaScript Performance Optimization Tips: An Overview

JavaScript Performance Optimization Tips: An Overview

In this post, there’s lots of stuff to cover across a wide and wildly changing landscape. It’s also a topic that covers everyone’s favorite: The JS Framework of the Month™.


But before we dive into specifics, let’s get a broader understanding of the issue by answering the following: what is considered as performant JavaScript, and how does it fit into the broader scope of web performance metrics?


This trend will only continue to grow, as the emerging market’s preferred gateway to the web is a sub-$100 Android device. The era of the desktop as the main device to access the Internet is over, and the next billion internet users will visit your sites primarily through a mobile device.


To quote Bruce Lawson, “it’s the World-Wide Web, not the Wealthy Western Web”. So, your target for web performance is a device that’s ~25x slower than your MacBook or iPhone. Let that sink in for a bit. But it gets worse. Let’s see what we’re actually aiming for.


You might have noticed that the main bottleneck is the time it takes to load up your website. Specifically, the JavaScript download, parse, compile and execution time. There’s no way around it but to load less JavaScript and load smarter.


The Web Animations API is an upcoming feature set that will allow you to do performant JS animations off the main thread, but for now, stick to CSS transitions and techniques like FLIP.
