Getting Started with Microservices Deployment Pipelines

Getting Started with Microservices Deployment Pipelines

It's been a while since my last post. In the meantime of course nothing has changed in terms of the microservice hype. I've been attending many microservices talks and what I'm always missing are concrete details on many different subjects. One of which is deployment. In this post I'll try to depict how at 4financeIT we want to do microservice deployment. I'll walk you through the most basic deployment pipeline that we'll try to open-source as Jenkins Job DSL on GitHub.


The same relates to deployment and deployment pipelines. That's why we decided to enforce one, single way of deploying microservices.


Having all of this in mind we wanted not to have such issues with our new deployment pipeline.


We've divided the simplest scenario of the microservice deployment pipeline into the following steps.


Most preferably we would like after each merge of a PR trigger the deployment pipeline (thus do Continuous Deployment). 
