Vue: Authentication Best Practices
Learn how to easily implement authentication in your Vue.js application. You will learn how to handle unauthenticated API calls, have auto authentication, have restricted routes access and more.
Learn how to easily implement authentication in your Vue.js application. You will learn how to handle unauthenticated API calls, have auto authentication, have restricted routes access and more.
Learn the differences and similarities between null and undefined in JavaScript
Apple has released it’s own package manager called ‘Swift Package Manager‘ to share and distribute Swift packages. It’s good to know that…
HTML 5.2 has introduced a new dialog element for native modal dialog boxes. At first glance, it seems fairly straightforward (and it is), but as I’ve been playing around with it, I’ve found it
In authenticated frontend apps we can change what a user can see depending on their role e.g. guest, admin etc. In this article, we implement a simple but scalable permission system into a Vue.js app using the CASL library.
If you want to shrink your Docker images, have your services start faster and be more secure then try Alpine out.
A Docker open source container software platform that packages applications in “containers,” allowing them to be portable among systems running Linux.
Timers are a great way to run code on a repeating basis, and iOS has the Timer class to handle it for you. First, create a property of the type Timer!
Learn how to make your own magazine app with custom text layout in this Core Text tutorial for iOS.
Atomic Design creates multiples stacks of components, with different hierarchies of complexity and dependence
In this article we see how to use Spark Streaming from Python to process data from Kafka. Jupyter Notebooks are used to make the prototype code available.
This series on microservices architecture design patterns kicks off with the characteristics of one of the most popular and essential patterns- the API gateway.
In this post, Toptal Senior Software Engineer Andrei Boyanov explains why Python is great for design patterns, and how they can be used to unlock even more potential.
Should we abandon the notion that design patterns are blueprints, or is there more to it than that?
Where do Design Patterns come from? What brought them into being? Why are they so important?