Getting Started with Spark Streaming with Python and Kafka

Getting Started with Spark Streaming with Python and Kafka

Last month I wrote a series of articles in which I looked at the use of Spark for performing data transformation and manipulation. This was in the context of replatforming an existing Oracle-based ETL and datawarehouse solution onto cheaper and more elastic alternatives. The processing that I wrote was very much batch-focussed; read a set of files from block storage ('disk'), process and enrich the data, and write it back to block storage.


I used the docker image all-spark-notebook to provide both Jupyter and the Spark runtime environment. By using Docker I don't have to really worry about provisioning the platform on which I want to develop the code - I can just dive straight in and start coding. As and when I'm ready to deploy the code to a 'real' execution environment (for example EMR), then I can start to worry about that. The only external aspect was an Apache Kafka cluster that I had already, with tweets from the live Twitter feed on an Apache Kafka topic imaginatively called twitter.


We need to import the necessary pySpark modules for Spark, Spark Streaming, and Spark Streaming with Kafka. We also need the python json module for parsing the inbound twitter data


What I've put together is a very rudimentary example, simply to get started with the concepts. In the examples in this article I used Spark Streaming because of its native support for Python, and the previous work I'd done with Spark. Jupyter Notebooks are a fantastic environment in which to prototype code, and for a local environment providing both Jupyter and Spark it all you can't beat the Docker image all-spark-notebook.
