Programmers have developed many architectures, design patterns and styles of programming. While they each solve different problems, all of them help make code more readable, testable and flexible.
Before you can give them that control and learn more about Dependency Injection and how it can help you, you need to identify the issue.
However, you can improve the situation and seamlessly add new functionality with Dependency Injection.
Dependency Injection is one of a few patterns that helps apply principles of Inversion of Control. You can implement Dependency Injection in several ways, including Constructor Injection, Setter Injection and Interface Injection.
In Constructor Injection, or Initializer Injection, you pass all the class dependencies as constructor parameters. It’s easier to understand what the code does because you immediately see all the dependencies a class needs in one place. For example, look at this snippet:
Setter Injection, or Method Injection, is sightly different. As you can see in this example, it requires dependency setter methods:
Interface Injection requires the client conforms to protocols used to inject dependencies. Look at this example:
Next, update the provider which will handle a new privacy level. Go to ProfileContentProvider.swift and update the following properties:
With the code above, you let your UserPreferencesView receive the needed dependency, instead of creating it on its own.