SwiftUI Tutorial: Navigation

SwiftUI Tutorial: Navigation

Use the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial to download the starter project. Open the PublicArt project in the PublicArt-Starter folder. You’ll build a master-detail app using the Artwork.swift and MapView.swift files already included in this project.


SwiftUI doesn’t replace UIKit — like Swift and Objective-C, you can use both in the same app. At the end of this tutorial, you’ll see how easy it is to use a UIKit view in a SwiftUI app.


So first, create your DetailView. For now, just declare it in ContentView.swift, below the ContentView struct:


The starter project contains the Artwork.swift file. Artwork is a struct with eight properties, all constants except for the last, which the user can set:


In Artwork.swift, add this property at the top of the Artwork property list:


Then, in ContentView.swift, change the id argument in List to \.id:


But there’s an even better way: Go back to Artwork.swift, and add this extension, outside the Artwork struct:


First, create a new SwiftUI View file: Command-N ▸ iOS ▸ User Interface ▸ SwiftUI View. Name it DetailView.swift.

Replace DetailView in the new file with the DetailView from ContentView.swift. Be sure to delete it from ContentView.swift.


Go back to ContentView.swift and start Live Preview, then tap a row to see the complete detail view:

So far, I’ve been showing you previews of the iPhone 8 scheme. But of course, you can view this on an iPad (or even on your Mac, as a Mac Catalyst app).


SwiftUI has two guiding principles for managing how data flows through your app:


SwiftUI provides several tools to help you manage the flow of data in your app.


Start by creating a new SwiftUI View file to create your alternative master view. Name it ArtTabView.swift.


Open MapView.swift: It’s A view that hosts an MKMapView. All the code in makeUIView and updateUIView is standard MapKit stuff. The SwiftUI magic is in the UIViewRepresentable protocol and its required methods — you guessed it: makeUIView and updateUIView. This shows how easy it is to display a UIKit view in a SwiftUI project. It works for any of your custom UIKit views, too.


You’re going to show the map as a modal sheet. The way this works in SwiftUI is with a Bool value, which is a parameter of the modal sheet. SwiftUI displays the modal sheet only when this value is true.


First, create a new SwiftUI View file, and name it LocationMap.swift.


Now, back to DetailView.swift: Replace MapView(coordinate: self.artwork.coordinate) with this line:


In Artwork.swift, comment out init() and add this method:


Apple's WWDC sessions and SwiftUI tutorials are the source of everything, but the API has changed a lot since Xcode 11 beta 1. So you'll find the most up-to-date code in our book SwiftUI by Tutorials.
