Combine vs RxSwift: Introduction to Combine & differences

Combine vs RxSwift: Introduction to Combine & differences

In today’s article I’d like to give an introduction to Combine and show its main differences with RxSwift, and probably the best way to start is by showing Apple’s definition of Combine:


Looking at these basic Combine concepts we can deduce that it is very similar to other existing reactive programming frameworks like RxSwift or ReactiveCocoa. For now, let’s focus on how it compares to RxSwift.


As we can see on Flawless iOS blog, they did a comparison executing two code blocks doing the same work, one with Combine and the other with RxSwift, and we can observe that Combine’s time performance is the winner.


Combine and RxSwift have a lot of operators doing the same or a very similar job, but with a different naming.
