SwiftUI Button Tutorial: Customization

SwiftUI Button Tutorial: Customization

Buttons are critical in any app UI. In iOS development, UIKit provided structure for everything buttons-related, but since SwiftUI emerged, dealing with buttons is easier and more fun. SwiftUI introduced many modifiers since the first version in iOS 13 SDK, providing more capabilities and customization. It does the heavy lifting for developers and gives them more flexibility.

In this tutorial, you’ll implement a basic app with different SwiftUI button styles and shapes. Along the way, you’ll learn:


In iOS 15, Apple introduced button roles to SwiftUI, a value that allows you to describe a purpose for your button. Similar to styles, adding a role to the button will automatically apply a look and feel that’s distinct to the environment your app runs on.


Menu is another type of button provided by SwiftUI. While it works nearly the same as a regular button, it has some differences in building custom styles.
