Using a Private GitHub Repository as a Helm Chart Repository

Using a Private GitHub Repository as a Helm Chart Repository

Applications deployed on Kubernetes typically consist of multiple Kubernetes resources, such as deployments, services, config maps, and so on. Application developers can package those resources together to make it easier to install and upgrade them holistically. Helm is a very popular package manager for Kubernetes.


First, you'll have to create a private GitHub repository that will function as the chart repository. Inside, you configure a new GitHub Actions workflow by creating a file called .github/workflows/update-index.yml with the following content:


In my opinion it would be sufficient for many use cases if it was possible to install charts directly from git. You simply specify a git repository and a version (hash) to use when running helm install and it pulls the chart from git directly. I see the benefit of the simple repository API (webserver + index.yaml) but still, installing from git would be an amazing feature.
