Managing Sensitive Data in Kubernetes with Sealed Secrets...

Managing Sensitive Data in Kubernetes with Sealed Secrets...

Having multiple environments that can be dynamically configured has become akin to modern software development. This is especially true in an enterprise context where the software release cycles typically consist of separate compute environments like dev, stage and production. These environments are usually distinguished by data that drives the specific behavior of the application.


To accomplish application configuration in Kubernetes, you can either use ConfigMaps or Secrets. Both serve the same purpose, except Secrets, as the name implies, are used to store very sensitive data in your Kubernetes cluster. Secrets are native Kubernetes resources saved in the cluster data store (i.e., etcd database) and can be made available to your containers at runtime.


To download kubeseal, you can select the binary for your respective OS (Linux, Windows, or Mac) from the GitHub releases page. Below is an example for Linux.
