iCloud Key-Value Store with NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore

iCloud Key-Value Store with NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore

Ubi–what!? With the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore you can sync key-value store data across iOS and Mac devices, via iCloud. It’s perfect for persisting user preferences to iCloud, and it’s simple to set up.


To use NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, you’ll need to distribute your app through the iOS or Mac App Store. You must also set the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier entitlement in your app’s Entitlements. You can find your app’s entitlements in Xcode, by going to Project Settings -> Capabilities. Enable the iCloud capability and check Key-value storage. You might need to enable iCloud for your App ID too, by going to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles on developer.apple.com/account.


The data in the key-value store is persisted between app installs – so it’ll be there even if you uninstall the app – and it’s synced between devices. You can even share the data store between iOS and Mac apps that have the same identifier.


That’s all there is to it! Reading and writing data with the iCloud data store is surprisingly simple. The NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is ideal for syncing key-value store data between iOS devices – and now you know exactly how it works.
