Hello everyone, this is my first tutorial in this blog and I will try to explain in the best way this topic. I will assume that you already know what VueJS is and you have taken their first steps with this framework. I will also consider that you have some experience handling the new features of ES6, (if not, you can read this post and come back later) so i will skip certain things in order to focus on the topic of this post.
We have to start with this basic HTML file with the Bootstrap 3.3.7 stylesheet, a bootswatch theme (lumen) and VueJS.
You would normally use type=”email” for the second input, but i’m leaving it as text to demonstrate the validation we get with Vue.
With the HTML code finished, now we will jump into the main.js file and start coding the logic for our form.
As i mentioned above, there are three variables that hold the value of the inputs. We can wire those up using Vue models.
Done with the Javascript code. Back in the HTML we need to do some changes. We need to fire the validatedForm() method when the form is submitted.