How to autoscale apps on Kubernetes with custom metrics

How to autoscale apps on Kubernetes with custom metrics

Technically, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is a controller in the Kubernetes controller manager, and it is configured by HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource objects.


That's how the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler works, but how do you use it?

Configuring the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to autoscale your app is done by creating a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource.


When you define a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource you have to specify such a metric.

But how does the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler know how to obtain these metrics?


The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler queries metrics from the metrics registry:


The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is one of these clients.


Any metric that you want to use as a scaling metric must be exposed through one of these three metric APIs.

Because only in that way they are accessible to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.
