A Better Approach to Google Cloud Continuous Deployment

A Better Approach to Google Cloud Continuous Deployment

Continuous deployment (CD) is the practice of automatically deploying new code to production. Most continuous deployment systems validate that the code to be deployed is viable by running unit and functional tests, and if everything looks good, the deployment rolls out. The rollout itself usually happens in stages in order to be able to rollback if the code doesn’t behave as expected.


The Docker directory contains everything needed to build the Docker image. The image is based off the uWSGI and Nginx image and just installs the dependencies and copies the app to the right path.


The cloud build also publishes messages when a build is in progress and when one fails, so you could also have things react to those messages.


Here, we use the Google Cloud Docker image. This allows to run GCcloud commands easily. What we’re executing is the equivalent of running the following command from a terminal directly:


For instance, you could run a container that runs the tests inside the image and publishes an event on success and another one on failure and react to those by either updating a deployment or alerting depending on the outcome.
