

FunctionScript is a language and specification for turning JavaScript functions into typed HTTP APIs. It allows JavaScript (Node.js) functions to be seamlessly exported as HTTP APIs by defining what the HTTP interface will look like and how it behaves in the preceding comment block - including type-safety mechanisms.


To put it simply, FunctionScript defines semantics and rules for turning exported JavaScript (Node.js) functions into strongly-typed, HTTP-accessible web APIs. In order to use FunctionScript, you'd set up your own FunctionScript Gateway or you would use an existing FunctionScript-compliant service like Standard Library.


Into a web API that can be called over HTTP like this (GET):


JavaScript, specifically Node.js, is an ideal target for API development standardization due to its accessibility (front-end and back-end), growth trajectory, and flexibility. Most new developers are introduced to JavaScript out of necessity.

As opposed to something like TypeScript, FunctionScript helps newer entrants to software development by extending JavaScript with very little overhead. It adds types around only the HTTP interface, leaving the majority of the language footprint untouched but strengthening the "weakest" and least predictable link in the development chain: user input.
