How to Build Vue Components in a WordPress Theme

How to Build Vue Components in a WordPress Theme

Intrigued by the title and just wanna see some code? Skip ahead.


The whole thing felt complex enough that I didn't want to handle all that state manually. I remembered reading Sarah Drasner’s article "Replacing jQuery With Vue.js: No Build Step Necessary” which shows how to replace classic jQuery patterns with simple Vue micro-apps. That seemed like a good place to start, but I quickly realized that things would get messy on the PHP side of WordPress.


Vue, on the other hand, is all about components — but it can only do its thing after the page has loaded and JavaScript is running.


First, the browser gets the HTML, then Vue makes it do stuff. Since the markup is built by WordPress, rather than by Vue in the browser, components can easily use any information that site administrators can edit. And, as opposed to .vue files (which are great for building more app-y things), we can keep the same separation of concerns we use for the whole site — structure and content in PHP, style in CSS, and functionality in JavaScript.


All the HTML inside the template is valid and understood by the browser, except for . We can go the extra mile to fix that by using Vue’s is directive:
