Code a Real-Time NativeScript App: Social Login and Firebase

Code a Real-Time NativeScript App: Social Login and Firebase

NativeScript is a framework for building cross-platform native mobile apps using XML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this series, we're trying out some of the cool things you can do with a NativeScript app: geolocation and Google Maps integration, SQLite database, Firebase integration, and push notifications. Along the way, we're building a fitness app with real-time capabilities that will use each of these features.


Next, you also need to add Android as a platform. You can do that by going to the Basic Settings and clicking on Add Platform:


You need to let the app know which Facebook app it's going to talk to. You can do that by opening the app\App_Resources\Android\AndroidManifest.xml file and adding android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/> under the  tag:

Next, create an app\App_Resources\Android\values\facebooklogin.xml file and add the following:


Once that's done, you have to uninstall the android platform (tns platform remove android) and try to run the app once again (tns run android).


Now we're ready to add the code. We'll first add the XML, then the JavaScript, and finally the CSS code.


Finally, open the app/app.css file and add the following below the existing code:


And in the meantime, check out some of our other posts on NativeScript and cross-platform mobile apps!