Kotlin From Scratch: Ranges and Collections

Kotlin From Scratch: Ranges and Collections

Kotlin is a modern programming language that compiles to Java bytecode. It is free and open source, and promises to make coding for Android even more fun.


We'll now look at the different ways of creating ranges in Kotlin.


In this section, we'll learn about the List, Set and Map collections in Kotlin. (If you want a refresher on arrays in Kotlin, kindly visit the first tutorial in this series.) 


In Kotlin, we can create an immutable (read-only) list using the listOf() helper function from the Kotlin standard library. This function returns a Kotlin List interface type.


To create an immutable (read-only) set in Kotlin, we can use the function setOf(), which returns a Kotlin Set interface type. 

Note that the Kotlin Set interface extends only the Kotlin Collection interface and overrides all the properties available in its parent.


Remember, implementation of these collection interfaces in Kotlin happens at compile time.


In this tutorial, you learned about the range and collections API in the Kotlin programming language. In the next tutorial in the Kotlin From Scratch series, you'll be introduced to functions in Kotlin. See you soon!

To learn more about the Kotlin language, I recommend visiting the Kotlin documentation. Or check out some of our other Android app development posts here on Envato Tuts!