TypeScript 3.0 - what has come?

TypeScript 3.0 - what has come?

Nearly two years after the release of TypeScript 2.0 and two months from the latest version 2.9, Microsoft has released the newest version of TypeScript. Let’s see what changes have been made and how they can affect our daily work.


Tuples in TypeScript are in fact JavaScript strongly-typed arrays (at the single element level) with constant length. At least, that’s the way it used to be, and you can see an example in Listing 1.


Another novelty in TypeScript 3.0 is language-level support for React’s defaultProps. For those of you who haven’t heard of defaultProps, I’ll describe them briefly. Normally, in JavaScript (ECMAScript 6), if we would like to provide the default React component’s parameters, we would do it using static object defaultProps as shown in Listing 8.
