Vue.js + Brunch: The Webpack Alternative You've Been Hungry For

Vue.js + Brunch: The Webpack Alternative You've Been Hungry For

Imagine if there was a build tool that you could use for Vue.js projects that compiled faster than Webpack, gave you a smaller bundle size and required only a few lines of configuration.


To whet your appetite, take a look at this side-by-side comparison of a Webpack config and a Brunch config for the same, simple Vue.js project:

Webpack is a crucial tool for building sophisticated, highly optimized web applications, and is encouraged by many influential web developers.


To see what Brunch can do, I’ve installed a Vue.js project using the Vue CLI webpack-simple project template. After building the boilerplate code with Webpack I get this:


This is because the Brunch plugin API is not quite as powerful as Webpack, and to be able to inline the CSS at runtime, vue-brunch requires the vueify-insert-css module to be available.


With that done, I’ve got myself a functioning Vue app again:


The point is that while Webpack definitely has its place, Brunch should as well.
