Build a Preact App with Authentication

Build a Preact App with Authentication

React is a fast, and lightweight library, which has led to fast adoption across the SPA (single-page app) ecosystem. Preact is an even lighter-and-faster alternative to React, weighing in at a measly 3kb! For less complex applications, it can be a great choice.


To get your project started, you'll install the PreactCLI using NPM.


Even though the PreactCLI-generated app looks a lot like a React app generated by create-react-app, and you can even use some of the React plugins (like React-Router in your Preact application, there are some significant differences.


In the first line of code, you can tell something’s different. The h module in Preact is what turns JSX into DOM elements. Normally, React would use the React library to generate React.createElement statements to make DOM elements from JSX. Preact uses the h library to make something like h('div', {class:'something'}, 'Content') statements to do that.


You'll also want to change the redirectUri property to http://localhost:8080 because the Preact uses port 8080 instead of 3000 for normal React apps.


You can find out more about Preact from their website and Preact-Router from the Github repository.
