How To Work Out What To Charge Clients: The Honest Version

How To Work Out What To Charge Clients: The Honest Version

Have you ever read a post that has left you feeling wholly inadequate because you know you can’t live up to the high standards they lay out? Well, that is how I feel when I read posts about how much to charge my clients.


All of this work will leave you with a minimum daily rate. Now we need to calculate how long our project will take. That is where you will begin to see my rather ad-hoc approach.


I make my best guess and times it by my minimum rate per day, and that gives me my minimum price. But this is not what I charge. In fact, if a client can only pay my minimum price then I walk away in most cases. After all, my calculation for the length of the project isn’t exactly accurate, so I need to ensure I have a markup.


You know what it is like, some projects get you excited and some you couldn’t care less if you do. So why not factor that into your pricing? Projects that sound awesome and you desperately want to win, will hardly be marked up at all. Projects that look as dull as ditchwater gets a hefty wedge added on top of the minimum rate.
