Bootstrap vs. Foundation: Which Framework is Right for You?

Bootstrap vs. Foundation: Which Framework is Right for You?

Bootstrap vs. Foundation—which full-featured front-end framework (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) is right for your needs? Both are powerful tools that can be used to greatly streamline the process of designing sleek, responsive user interfaces (UIs) for dynamic web applications. Both give you immediate access to high-quality typography, buttons, forms, navigation bars, and other UI components—potentially reducing development time from months to weeks.


A quick look around the main webpages for Bootstrap and Foundation might give you the impression that both frameworks are nearly identical when it comes to the UI components and features they provide, but take a closer look, and you’ll see that there are some important differences worth considering before you select a framework for your next web project.


By itself, CSS is pretty simple—you target pieces of your application with selectors and style them with properties. This is nice for simple styling, but it can be very time-consuming for more complex applications. CSS preprocessors basically turbocharge CSS by giving you the ability to create CSS files with functions, mixins, variables, and other features. Traditionally, Bootstrap was in the Less camp, while Foundation supported Sass. As of Bootstrap 4, both Bootstrap and Foundation are firmly invested into the Sass camp (support for Less ended with Bootstrap 3). Mark Otto himself elaborated on the reason for the switch on Twitter—”libsass is crazy fast.” That coupled with the fact that it has a larger community that actively uses SCSS (Sassy CSS) in their projects, it’s no wonder why the most popular front-end framework would want to make the switch.
