Building a Trello Layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox

Building a Trello Layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through an implementation of the basic layout of a Trello board screen (see example here). This is a responsive, CSS-only solution, and only the structural features of the layout will be developed.

For a preview, here is a CodePen demo of the final result.

Besides Grid Layout and Flexbox, the solution employs calc and viewport units. To make the code more readable and efficient, I’ll also take advantage of Sass variables.

No fallbacks are provided, so make sure to run the code in a supporting browser. Without further ado, let’s dive in, developing the screen components one by one.

The screen of a Trello board consists of an app bar, a board bar, and a section containing the card lists. I’ll build this structure with the following markup skeleton:
